BLM Wild Horse & Burro Program

Request for Information

As part of an ongoing strategy to ensure that wild horses and burros receive adequate and humane care in the hands of their adoptive owners, the BLM Wild Horse & Burro program may conduct compliance checks on any and all animals at its discretion.


The compliance check procedure seems shrouded in mystery and can be a source of concerns for new and would-be adopters.


If the BLM agent or volunteer finds an issue with the care or maintenance of your BLM horse or burro, they generally won’t take the animal. Instead, the BLM will issue a notice of noncompliance.


What If The BLM Finds A Problem At My Compliance Check?

In order to stay in compliance with your wild mustang adoption, you just need to adhere to the items you agree to on the PMACA (Private Maintenance and Care Agreement).


How Do I Stay in Compliance?

If you need to move your horse from the location on your original adoption application, you must notify the BLM.


Notify BLM of Any Changes in Possession or Location