
Can Horses Eat


"It is no secret that most horses love treats but finding healthy ones that your horse genuinely enjoys can be tricky."


"Yes! Horses can eat plums, in moderation of course. Plums, like all horse treats, should only be fed in limited quantities."

Can horses eat plums?


"Plums are extremely healthy for horses to eat as treats. They are not only a naturally occurring food, but plums are also full of healthy vitamins and nutrients!"

How Healthy Are Plums for Horses?


"Raw or uncooked plums are completely safe for horses, if the pit has been removed and thrown away."

Can Horses Eat Raw Plums?


"Yes! Most horses can safely eat prunes. A prune is simply a dried plum and it contains almost the same nutrients and vitamins as raw plums."

Can Horses Eat Prunes?

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