

3 Easy


"They seem to come from nowhere. Whether it is witch's knots in your horse's mane or just tangled tail hairs, you want them out and you don't want to spend a fortune. So what do you do?"

"Unless you are using $25 a bottle conditioner, this recipe should wind up costing you less than $1 per bottle. You can splurge and use $8 conditioner and have enough to last a whole year!"

Conditioner and Water

"It isn't necessarily cheaper though. The upside is that by making it at home, you know everything that is in it. Best of all, it smells great!"

Essential Oils

"There are some essential oils that seem to do a better job of helping hair grow than others. This subject has been covered quite a bit for humans but, hair is hair, and the results are likely to be similar in our horses."

Best Essential Oils for Hair