Does A Horse Need Grain?

While some people prefer to let their animals graze year-round on fresh pasture, others supplement with hay, while many horse owners also feed some kind of grain or sweet feed.

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Does a horse need grain? Some horses do need grain in their diets, while most are just fine without it.

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Horses who are not turned out on pasture the majority of the day, even if they aren’t hard keepers, will probably need some grain.

When Should Horses Be Fed Grain?

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The top three grains fed to horses are oats, barley and wheat. Of the three, oats are the most popular - and safest thanks to a good fiber content (around 13%).

What Are Commonly Fed Grains?

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When it comes to grain, remember the "less is more rule" and that you can always adjust up, so it’s better to start with smaller amounts.

How Do You Know How Much Grain to Feed Horses? 

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