We know how fast horses run, how high horses can jump, and how horses can bond with people but horse vision is overlooked when it comes to learning all about horses.
Horses Are Not Colorblind
Horses do not have the full range of color as humans and is much weaker, they do actually see in limited colors.
Horses Have A Wide Range of Vision
Horses have an extraordinary field of vision – out of the 360 degrees of vision possible, horses’ vision covers around 340 to 350 of those degrees.
Horses Can See at Night
A horses’ eyes have shown to be sensitive and reactionary to low light, and they can see reasonably well at night.
Horse Eye Color Can Vary
For starters, the iris of a horse’s eye is typically dark brown or black in color, but it can be found in a variety of shades, including hazel, amber, blue and green.