
7 Fun Facts About

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"Have you ever heard that clip clop sound as a horse goes down the road? Sure, a barefoot horse can make that noise but it’s amplified even more when a horse has shoes on."

Horseshoe Fun Facts

"Horseshoes are used to protect the hooves from excessive wear, especially when the horse moves a lot on a hard surface like a road etc."

Horseshoe Fun Facts

"A horseshoe usually is a metallic piece made of iron, aluminum or steel. It gets placed to the hoof like a shoe..."

Horseshoe Fun Facts

What is a Horseshoe?

"Applying or removing horseshoes is entirely a painless process for  the horse."

Horseshoe Fun Facts

Do Horseshoes Hurt  The Horse?

"The horse needs to have horseshoes for reasons similar to humans wear shoes; to protect their feet from damage when walking a rough and hard surfaces."

Horseshoe Fun Facts

Why Do Horses Need Horseshoes?

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