Horse Hot Walker Types, Prices, Uses & Safety

Popular at horse training facilities and in the racehorse community, horse hot walkers are vital pieces of equipment for many equestrians around the world.

Like a standard walker, panel walkers are designed with the same concept, but you can simply let your horse walk freely inside this walker because it is enclosed!

Panel Walkers

Horse owners that enjoy tackling do-it-yourself farm projects may want to create and build their own horse hot walker using old car parts and channel iron, among other things.

Do-It-Yourself Hot Walker

EuroXciser is an enclosed horse hot walker that allows horses to walk freely and unrestrained by a rope or lead.


Whether you decide to go with a standard walker or a panel walker, the right choice for you lies in what is right for your situation. Choose the walker that is right for you and your horses and you will not be disappointed.