Ways Donkeys Show Aggression


(and How to Stay Safe Around Them)


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Donkeys show aggression in several different ways and it is extremely important to know how to recognize these signs.


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Donkey owners that know how to detect aggression are better prepared for how to stay safe around donkeys that are upset or afraid. Not knowing these signs can be very dangerous.


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One way that donkeys show aggression is by pinning their ears back, which simply means that their ears turn and almost flatten against their heads, much like horses do.

Pinning Back Ears

Curved Dotted Line


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Donkeys often shake their head because they are upset or agitated and possibly because they do not want to do something or they do not like whatever is happening.

Shaking Its Head

Curved Dotted Line


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Since donkeys rarely leave dangerous situations, more often than not, flared nostrils can be one of the first and most subtle signs of aggression.

Flaring Nostrils

Curved Dotted Line