Do you have a dapple gray mare, gelding or stallion and are looking for a perfect name for him/her. I realize that naming a dapple gray can be a little bit different than finding a name for a white horse. After all, there are a variety of shades a gray horse might change through before becoming all white. Why not pick a name that best suits their color now.
Most of these name ideas are going to be great barn names but they could easily be incorporated into show names as well. Add a clever ending, or a title like Sir or Lady, and voila….show name in the making!
I decided to order these alphabetically instead of separating by gender or a particular shade of gray because many of these names could work for a male or female horse. Be sure to see our guide on horse stable names after this too!
Top 10 Dapple Gray Horse Names
- Artax
- Shadowfax
- Steele
- Dusty
- Grayson
- Dream
- Luna
- Olaf
- Angel
- Powder
Complete List of Dapple Gray Horse Names
- Altivo
- Angel
- Annabelle
- Arctic Star
- Argent
- Arlen
- Artax
- Arwen
- Ashy
- Asher
- Aspercel (After the movie “The Horse in the Gray Flannel Suit”)
- Atin (ah-teen)
- Aurora Borealis
- Balerian
- Bellatrix (a star in the constellation of Orion – meaning Warrioress)
- Blizzard
- Blue Steel (especially fun if you have seen the movie Zoolander)
- Bly
- Breeze
- Bubbles
- Casper
- Caspian
- Chappel
- Cirrus
- Cleo
- Cloud
- Cloud Walker
- Cobweb
- Crystal
- Dale
- Dap
- Dapper
- Dapper Dan
- Dapple Dan
- Darman
- Dazzler
- Defrost
- Derringer
- Diamond
- Dollar
- Dream
- Dusty
- Dusty Moon
- Earl
- Easifat Naria (means Fire storm in Arabic
- Elliot (like Sam Elliot)
- Fifty
- Friday
- Gandalf
- Ghost
- Grayson
- Greystone
- Gus
- Gypsum
- Icicle
- Jag
- Jane (Lady Jane Gray)
- Jango
- Jester
- Jingle
- Kara
- Knight
- Lonesome Dove
- Luna
- Magnum
- Major
- Maximus (like the horse from Rapunzel)
- Mercury (especially if your horse is a nice silver color like the metal)
- Mist
- Misty
- Monsoon
- Monty
- Moonshine
- Moonshine Duster
- Moonwater
- Mouse
- Nickel
- Nimbus
- Nymph
- Olaf
- Opi
- Ordo
- Oscar
- Pearl
- Pegasus
- Penny
- Pepper (good for a dapple or flea bitten gray)
- Pewter
- Phantom
- Poppy
- Powder
- Quicksilver
- Rain
- Rain Maker
- Rembrandt
- River
- Ruger
- Sebastian
- Shades (Shades the Gray)
- Shadowfax
- Shogun
- Silver
- Silver Spoon
- Silver Surfer
- Sir Winston
- Skyfall
- Slate (great for a dapple gray)
- Smoke
- Smokey
- Snow
- Snowstorm
- Songbird
- Sooty (for a dapple gray)
- Spark
- Spirit
- Spot (great for a dapple gray)
- Spring Rain
- Steele
- Steele Sun
- Sterling
- Stetson
- Stone
- Storm
- Stormy
- Tapioca
- Traveler
- Virgil (sam Elliots character name in Tombstone)
- Watermark
- Winter
- Wyntog (means windy in welsh)
- Yeti
I hope you found this list of dapple-gray horse names useful! Remember that your gray horse is going to change color over time. Typically ending up pure white or flea-bitten gray but the time it takes for that to happen will vary from horse to horse. Don’t forget to check out my post with white horse names for even more inspiration!