Few things seem as gallant as a knight in shining armor riding into battle atop his brave steed. During the Middle Ages of Europe, a good horse could mean life or death. Knights relied heavily on their horses to keep them safe in the flurry of battle.
Here are some awesome Medieval horse names to consider!
Table of Contents
Top 10 Medieval Horse Names
- Liard
- Bayard
- Sombra
- Fauvel
- Forca
- Volentiers
- Galahad
- Morel (or Morelle)
- Vairon
- Gobaith

Medieval War Horse Names
- Adeline – means “Noble”
- Amis – means “Friends”
- Baillet – means “Dancer”
- Baucent – means “White Socks”
- Bayard – means “Bay”
- Beleza – means “Beauty”
- Blanchart – means “White
- Brith – means “Mottled”
- Broiefort – means “Stamp Hard”
- Broieguerre – means “War Stamp”
- Carbonel – means “Coal Black”
- Cazador – means “Hunter”
- Cazadora – means “Hunter”
- Cil Dient – means “Eyelashes”
- Comigo – means “With Me”
- Cornuet – means “Mane Like Horns”
- Dist L’enfes – means “Say Hell”
- Em Perdon Em – means “Lets Lose Them”
- Em Perdon Emproi – means “Lets Lose Control”
- Empereres – means “Emperors”

- Enfés – means “Hell”
- Facebelle – means “Beautiful Head”
- Fauvel – means “Tawny”
- Ferrant – means “Iron Grey”
- Fille – means “Daughter”
- Fleuri – means “Odd Colored”
- Flori – means “Odd Colored”
- Folatise – means “Frisky”
- Forca – means “Strength”
- Gaufrois – means “Waffles”
- Girsart – means “Grey”
- Glorieus – means “Glorious”
- Gobaith – means “Hope”
- Gramimund – means “Grass Mouth”
- Grisel – means “Grey”
- Gwrol – means “Courageous”
- Hengroen – one of King Arthur’s Horses
- Ja Lor – means “Gold”
- Liard – means “grey” or “Gray”
- Luar – means “Moonlight”

- Maigremor – means “Rack of Bones”
- Marchegai – means “Proud Walker”
- Margaris – means “Stallion”
- Matilda – means “Battle Mighty”
- Miles – means “Soldier”
- Morel – means “Mulberry Color”
- Passavant – means “Leading File”
- Plantamor – means “Death Dealer”
- Preta – means “Black”
- Preto – means “Black”
- Prinsaut – means “Gambol (run or jump playfully)”
- Queue d’Agache – means “Magpie Tail (black and white tail)”
- Ramon
- Regibet
- Rendes-moi – means “Give Me Back”
- Rois – means “Kings”
- Rous – means “Ruddy”
- Saltperdut – means “Leaper”
- Sombra – means “Shadow”
- Sorel – means “Sorrel”

- Tachebrun – means “Dappled Brown”
- Tencendur – means “Tough Tendons”
- Vairon – means “Blanket Spotted”
- Veillantif – means “Wide Awake”
- Volentiers – means “Happy”
- White Surrey (white Syrie) – famous horse of King Richard III
Horse Names Inspired by Famous Medieval Knights
- Bertrand
- Douglas
- Edward
- Galahad
- George
- Guiscard
- Henry
- James
- Marshal
- Percy
- Richard
- Rodrigo
- Siegfried
- Wallace
- William

Horses of Richard the III
King Richard the III had many horses however, surviving documentation only lists 20. The Harleian Manuscript gives us the name of his 20 as well as a few other horses during his time.
There are a few key words you may see repeated here. The names were always written with the descripter so I’m not sure if the rider would have actually called the horse “Bay Babingtone” for example, or just “Babingtone”.
It’s possible they always used both names however, it’s also possible that it was custom to note the horse’s color when mentioning it in written form (perhaps to avoid confusion).
Baiard and Beyard mean “Bay”. Liard and Lyard mean “Grey”. I tried to find a reference for “Whiche” but couldn’t . Google translate seems to think it means “Witch”. Based on that I would guess “Whit” means “White” but, again, I couldn’t find an exact reference in my research.
- Baiard Babingtone
- Baiard Rither
- Baiard Verney
- Beyard Chambreleyne (Beyard Chamberlain)
- Beyard Lanthony
- Blak Morelle
- First Liard Whiche
- Jak
- Liard Bowes
- Liard Brradshare

- Liard Carlile
- Liard Cultone
- Liard Hartre Lyngtone
- Liard Hoton
- Liard Mountfort
- Liard Norffolk
- Liard Strangwisshe
- Lyard Danby
- Lyard Say
- Master Peter Baxter
- Morel of Cristalle
- My Ladys Grey Gelding
- The Dover Hoby
- The Litille Whit of Knaresburghe
- The Walssh
- The Whit of Gervaux
- The Whit Whiche
- Thehoby Whiche

Tips for Giving Your Horse a Medieval Name
When you’re trying to choose the perfect medieval horse name for your horse you must first decide what type of emotion or horse quality you are trying to portray with your steed’s name.
Choosing a Meaning
During Medieval times, we often think first of the strength and beauty of the badass horses who would carry their riders into war. In fact, I have a whole post on war horse names.
There were other types of horses too. Carriage horses, traveling horses (which were often gaited or smoother for long distances), ladies horses, draft horses, and more.
Choosing a Language
When most people think of the Medieval period, they think of King Arthur and his Knights of the round table. This famous defender of Camelot is from Britain but, there are multiple other countries.
The Medieval period in Europe included Scotland, Portugal, France and more. As such, you can also look to horse names from these countries for inspiration as well!
Resources/Further Reading:
- La chevalerie Ogier de Danemarche: poème du XIIe siècle, Volume 1
- Harleian Manuscript
- 12 of the Greatest Knights
- Horse House Names: 200+ Options For Naming Your Stable, Farm or Ranch
- 220+ Chestnut Horse Names (Mare, Stallion & More)