Mustang Horse Breed Profile
Learn about the history, conformation, body type, registration, show options and controversy all related to wild mustang horses. This breed profile goes deep into all aspects of the mustang horse.
Learn about the history, conformation, body type, registration, show options and controversy all related to wild mustang horses. This breed profile goes deep into all aspects of the mustang horse.
This is a list of 7 famous wild mustang horses that have been immortalized forever as Breyer horses. Some are still available, and some are more rare.
Wild horses are idolized and revered around the world. These 35 facts about wild horses are broken up into sections for common types of wild horses.
Horses are prey animals with a variety of both natural and unnatural predators. Learn what eats wild horses as well as other threats they encounter.
Setting up a self-trim station for wild horses, or those who are not halter trained can be a great way to help long hooves naturally wear down.
There are many types of mustang horses roaming wild in the United States. Let’s have a look at some of the most common ones.